Celebrating 25 Years in Business!
Posted on: Mon, Dec 30, 2024
Where has the time gone?
If someone told me, I would still be in this business today, 25 years ago I would not have ever believed them.
I remember how utterly amazing it was to discover that people would need a recruitment firm to help them find a job, or that a company would need someone like me to find them the candidate for a position they needed to fill.
I knew nothing when I started, I just knew that it was a job that, today was not like yesterday or tomorrow! Never a dull moment!
So full stem ahead.
I have learnt so much, helped so many, and of course made mistakes.
Having interviewed hundreds of candidates, I have come to learn and appreciate how everyone has a different story to tell. I have met so many amazing people that has enriched my life.
The best part about my 25 years has been the emotional reward of knowing that I have made a positive impact in someone's life.
I have always said that I feel like a marriage counsellor, bringing today a candidate and company for the right fit. LOL
I have always considered what I do a career that has NEVER felt like a job. I am one of the lucky ones to have stumbled into something that has transformed my life in so many positive ways.
Thanking everyone from clients to candidates for 25 amazing years and looking forward to many more.
I guess it is true, time really flies when you are having fun.
Remember to say positive, confident, and always believe in yourself!
"Top 15 LinkedIn Experts in Toronto in 2023"
Posted on: Tue, Jul 18, 2023
"Top 15 LinkedIn Experts in Toronto in 2023"
This is an honour that was very unexpected!
To be recognized for doing what I love is very emotional for me and has left me beyond words.
Knowing that I am able to make a positive impact in someone's life is reward enough for me.
I always encourage candidates never to give up, be confident, positive and enjoy life to the fullest!
Thank you!
We are avalable and continue to serve you!
Posted on: Mon, Apr 6, 2020
We continue to serve you and offer all our services including recruitment, outplacement, job search and career consulting via phone, online, email, Skype and Zoom.
Our offices will remain closed and in person interviews are suspended until April 30, 2020.
Please remeber to stay home, and if possible wear a mask and use gloves when outside.
Things will get better!
Posted on: Mon, Mar 23, 2020
The next 2 to 4 months are going to be very difficult and challenging times for all of us. I have been through several critical moments but none quite like this one. All I know is that with a little luck and patience everything will be OK. Be positive, be strong believe in yourself and above all else take of yourself and those that are important to you.
Above all else PLEASE STAY HOME!
It is the only proven way to get through this.

Welcome to my Blog
Posted on: Thu, Nov 22, 2012
Welcome To The New Summit Employment Solutions Website / Blog!
It has taken some time but we have finally updated our website to better serve our Client and Candidate needs in an easier to navigate website.
Please take some time to take a look at our site and feel free to contact me with any comments or questions you may have.
This new website will be a constant work in progress and you will notice improvements as time goes by.
Look for new services coming soon as well as other great ideas and updates.
I will be using this blog to provide you with information on trends, ideas, updates and resource material for both Candidates and Clients.
Your feedback and comments are most welcome as well as any questions that you may have.
On behalf of the Summit Employment Solutions team, thank you for making the last 13 years a rewarding experience.
Welcome To The New Summit Solutions Website / Blog!
Posted on: Mon, Nov 5, 2012