Frequently Asked Questions
Interview: Here is what NOT TO DO
· Present an unprofessional appearance.
· Display overbearing or egotistical behavior.
· Display a lack of interest, enthusiasm or indifference towards the opportunity.
· Be evasive with your answers, especially when asked about past work experience.
· Condemn previous/present employers, managers or industries.
· Show a lack of professional tact, courtesy and general good mannerisms.
· Have an inability to maintain a conversation - never use simple yes or no answers.
· Beware of how many times you use the word “like” in a conversation. It gives the impression that you aren’t educated or lack verbal communication skills.
· Fail to ask pertinent question and demonstrate and interest in the position.
· Beware of presenting a "what can you do for me attitude".
A lot of these things may seem obvious to some, however if you do not put yourself in the right, professional mindset before entering an interview you may find yourself mentally unprepared for some direct questioning.
Interview: Here is what you want TO DO:
· Know your strengths (success factors) and how they translate into value for a prospecting employer.
· Research the company and if possible the interviewer, in order to demonstrate your interest in the position/company.
· Be mentally fresh and prepared-do not go out "partying" the night before an interview, it won't pay off!
· Dress appropriately (business attire) for both the position being offered and the company.
· Be sure that you know how you will be travelling to the interview.
· Leave yourself plenty of time so as not to be rushed and stressed upon arrival-be punctual, controlled and confident.
· Put forth a good impression from start to finish. Often key decision makers value a receptionist’s opinion. How a candidate acts when they are not trying to impress someone can be a valuable insight into how they are going to fit in with the company culture.
· Be prepared with questions that are appropriate to the position and the company (see "Interview Questions" Appendix 4.1).
· Bring a note pad and take some general notes.
· Never leave without knowing what is the next step in their interview/hiring process.
Again, some of these things may seem obvious but it is important to simply use common sense when entering an interview process. Of course a company will look more favorably on someone who has taken the time to research their company, is professional in appearance and able to effectively communicate their strengths.
Probably the most important thing to keep in mind is -Just be you! Misrepresenting yourself can create immediate difficulties in an interview or worst, unexpected problems later on down the line. You've heard it before-honesty is the best policy!
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