Career Coaching Services
Resume Writing Program - Helping You Uncover The Hiden JOBS!
Are you looking for a new job/career opportunity?
Having trouble getting an interview?
Not sure where to find hidden jobs that are NOT advertised?
Your Resume and LinkedIn profile may have some great experiences, but may lack important features that are crucial to land an interview!
Your Resume or LinkedIn profile is not a work history, it is a presentation of a professional you!
The goal is NOT to be remembered, BUT to be interviewed!
Your package includes:
-Professional Written Resume
-LinkedIn Profile Optimization
-Career Coaching. (Help you stand apart from the hundreds of applicants)
-Interview Coaching (preparation - practice sessions)
-Advice - Tips to uncovering the hidden job market!
-6 Months of unlimited free career advice – questions and answers
-Personalized Career & Job Search Strategy
Ready to move forward? Email Now! to start your job/career! Take advantage of our years of proven experience helping candidates find the next job opportunity! .
Contact Us now for more information