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Welcome to Summit Employment Solutions - Summit Career Solutions

Established in 1999, Summit Employment Solutions, provides comprehensive recruitment solutions for clients across Canada. With an extensive network of talent resources, our company has successfully developed client relationships across Canada and the United States.

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Job Seekers

At Summit Employment Solutions our goal is to work with you in your career search.
We will help you to focus on your career goals, and work with you to identify what potential opportunities are best suited for you and your goals.
Our goal is to match your skill sets with potential opportunities and we work with potential employers to identify solutions to their recruiting needs.
Working together with you, and hiring managers, our consultants will assist you in developing and implementing effective job search strategies.

Client Services

Let us be your Recruitment Team – reduce your hiring costs and take advantage of our ability to find your organization the most qualified candidates!

Our testimonials prove what we claim. Give us the opportunity to work with you, you have nothing to lose!
-We work on a contingency basis and guarantee our candidates
-There is NO charge to you until we have successfully placed a candidate with you.
-We will not forward useless unqualified candidate resumes to review.
-4 Month replacement guarantee!

We are all about protecting our reputation. The only way to do that is to send you quality candidates based on your expectations and requirements.
We value a continued relationship and your future business.
Our focus is on recruiting a peak performer to help you grow your business, and we pride ourselves on our integrity, honesty, professionalism, and hard work.

Other Services

-Career Coaching
-Resume Writing
-LinkedIn Optimization
-Interview Preparation
-Hidden Job Search Coaching

What's trending now

Career Coaching - Resume Writing - LinkedIn Optimization
Are you looking for a new job/career opportunity?
Having trouble getting an interview?
Not sure where to find hidden jobs that are NOT advertised?

Your Resume and LinkedIn profile may have some great experiences, but may lack important features that are crucial to land an interview!
Your Resume or LinkedIn profile is not a work history, it is a presentation of a professional you!
The goal is NOT to be remembered, BUT to be interviewed!

Your package includes:
-Professional Written Resume - ATS friendly and ready to send.
-LinkedIn Profile Optimization - Complete updating and feedback.
-Career Coaching. (One on One online video Sessions)
-Interview Coaching (preparation - Mock online interviews practice sessions - Tips - Advice - Feedback)
-Advice - Tips to uncovering the hidden job market!
-6 Months of unlimited free career advice and assistance – questions and answers
-Personalized Career & Job Search Strategy for you.

Ready to move forward? Email Now! to start your job/career!

Take advantage of our years of proven experience helping candidates find the next job opportunity! .

More information

Something to brag about

"Top 15 LinkedIn Experts in Toronto in 2023"
This is an honour that was very unexpected!

To be recognized for doing what I love is very emotional for me and has left me beyond words.

Knowing that I am able to make a positive impact in someone's life is reward enough for me.

I always encourage candidates never to give up, be confident, positive and enjoy life to the fullest!

Thank you!